Mother Lode
DX / Contest Club

Become a Member!

Membership in the MLDXCC is open to all amateur radio operators with a love of DXing and/or contesting. For annual dues, just sign in to PayPal, select "money" then "send" and then "send to friends or family". Use the email "". Dues are $20 for an individual and $30 for a family. Put your call sign in the notes section.

MLDXCC 175 mile radius (ARRL club boundary)

To become a member, fill out a membership application, and bring it with you to the next meeting, or mail it to:

PO Box 1073
Pine Grove, CA 95665-1073

You may apply on line with the following application form: On line application

Bylaws of the MLDXCC (.PDF)

Bylaws of the MLDXCC (WORD)

Bylaws of the MLDXCC (OLD)